Ideas to help you take action to help save bees and pollinators. Get everyone involved in the fun!
Invitation to Garden Pop-Up Party


Have a Garden Pop-Up Party!

Make building a new garden a social gathering! Bond while beautifying a friend’s yard.

BYO shovel and gloves, just add the food and beverages!

Certify Your Eco-Friendly Yard!

Signage helps to educate about naturescapes, and might inspire neighbors to create their own wildlife habitat. Show how beautiful and vibrant a naturalized landscape can be, and spread awareness that every single yard can help wildlife.

Certified Wildlife Habitat SignCertify your habitat for wildlife! Waystation signCertify your habitat for monarchs! certified firefly habitat signCertify your habitat for fireflies!

NABA Certified Butterfly GardenCertify your habitat for butterflies! 

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