Welcome to Houston Native Bees, where we love beeing, and we:

post information, curriculum, and resources to educate and empower pollinator allies;

partner with public and private organizations to develop pollinator-friendly habitats;

promote pollinator pathway development throughout our region and connecting across states.

Take action. Bee a naturalist.

Together we can protect pollinators and save bees.

Houston Buffalo Bayou©VBalwick2020

Houston Buffalo Bayou – click for field guide

Honeytailed Sweat Bee © Camia Lowman HoustonNativeBees.org
Small Native Bees 

Leafcutter bee on Shepherd's Needle ©Camia Lowman with Urban Harvest, Inc.
Medium Native Bees 

American Bumble bee on yellow flower
Large Native Bees 

Pollinator Garden Design for Large Spaces

Pollinator Garden Ideas

Mural Butterflies on Building Houston ©Balwick2020Pollinator pathways, corridors, prairies

Learning Activities
and Games

Check out our Links for more resources and information!

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